Love Quartz Yoni Eggs Shop
Black Obsidian Yoni Egg

Highlights: Physic protection, grounding, face your shadow self, clears energy attached to reproductive blockages.

Element: Earth

Mantra: I know who I am

Cleansing Ritual: Cleanse under running water or soak in a glass of water for 24 hours.

Womb Meditation: Sit in a quiet space, close your eyes, rest hands on lap in the Shunya Mudra, take 3 deep breaths, envision golden light filing your womb and chant the sound of LAM out with an exhale. Repeat as needed.


Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning vortex and they are wheels of energy points within our bodies. Each one of this energetic vortexes align with the glands within the endocrine system as well as with the nervous system. Understanding yourself from the perspective of how all your systems work together can serve as a great roadmap to empowering yourself to do your self work to establish balance. Energy is the chakras and physical is the endocrine/nervous system.

The Root Chakra is your right to exist. This energy is found in the base of your spine and deals with your survival- your right to be here. It involves materials related to the physical world like food, water, sex, shelter, and your ability to stand up for yourself. When this doesn’t happen it looks like fatigue, depression, back pain, catching colds often or having cold extremities often.



The element of Earth represents our body and our home planet and it serves as our foundation and our feeling of being grounded into this experience. It is our very foundation; our soil in which all seeds are planted.

To invoke the elements and wisdom that aligns with the element of Earth which can help you to feel stable, honor the cycle of life and death, and to know how to access silence- you may do the following in ceremony:

Stand and turn and face the North and hold up your Yoni Egg as the conductor of energy and invite in the elemental beings of Earth. You may say something like:

Please help me to attain the ability to feel rooted in to the power that comes with my bloodline and the strength of Mother Earth. Thank you for providing me with the wisdom to know that I am to always plant my seeds upon you even when the land seems baron. Thank you for your teachings that instills in me the importance of caring for my soil and my own personal ecosystem so that I may stay in balance and continue to be fruitful in my efforts.



Are you ready to face your shadow self? Black Obsidian represents the darkness of self which is where we hide repressed emotions that keep us stuck until we confront it, process it, and release. Obsidian is formed from lava and like the energy of the volcano, when it erupts it is disruptive to status quo and purifies in order for new life to form. In the Hawaiian Islands this energy is known as the Goddess Pele. This stone may support you with exhibiting more self control and resilience. Black Obsidian is an extremely powerful and fast acting stone. It can bring negative emotions and unpleasant truths rushing to the surface to be confronted before peace can return. Black stones have protective energies in the sense that black is the absence of light, and therefore, can be used to create invisibility which is necessary to activate when it’s time to go within to do deep self-work . It is said to form a shield against negativity and to absorb negative energies from the environment. Because of this it should be cleaned regularly in running water.


Size: Medium (approx 45mm)

Great for beginners and experienced users.

Comes professionally package with stand and use and care pamphlet. Sent to you from Hawaii fully charged up within this powerful vortex.


This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or ailments. Use internally at your own discretion.

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