Highlights: Self love, healing, divine feminine energy, forgiveness, relationship improvement.
Element: Water
Mantra: I love unconditionally
Cleansing Ritual: Bury in a pot of soil that has a flower planted in it. Leave for 3 days.
Womb Meditation: Sit in a quiet space, close your eyes, rest hands on lap in the Ganesha mudra, take 3 deep breaths, envision golden light filling your womb and chant the sound YAM out with an exhale. Repeat as needed.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning vortex and they are wheels of energy points within our bodies. Each one of this energetic vortexes align with the glands within the endocrine system as well as with the nervous system. Understanding yourself from the perspective of how all your systems work together can serve as a great roadmap to empowering yourself to do your self work to establish balance. Energy is the chakras and physical is the endocrine/nervous system.
The Heart Chakra is your right to love. When in balance this manifests as being more loving, more forgiving, and compassionate. This also aids in having self-control and acceptance of yourself. When out of balance this looks like being too passive, breathing and heart problems, chest pain, and muscular tension.
The element of water washes away things to renew a space. It also is able to water and nourish new life. In Mama Earth we see this with lakes, streams, rivers, oceans, and springs. Within our bodies the water element is carried within our lymphatic and circulatory systems.
To invoke the elements and wisdom that aligns with the element of Water which can help you to think deeply, be at peace with the changing of your emotions, trusting your intuition, and gives you the courage to dare to be bold- you may do the following in ceremony:
Stand and turn and face the West and hold up your Yoni Egg as the conductor of energy and invite in the elemental beings of Water. You may say something like:
Please help me to attain the ability to trust my intuition and to utilize my ability to deep think and to be open to expand my perspective. Thank you for providing me with the courage to dive deep and move like a wave to bring about change when necessary and for being at peace with the change of my tides.
The Rose Quartz is all about love which is so appropriate. She may look soft and gentle but strong feminine energy such as Rose Quartz is not one to underestimate just because she’s “girly”. While Rose Quartz does represent love, this stone calls for you to do deep layered work within yourself to forgive mistakes; yours as well as others. It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion and peace, tenderness and healing, nourishment and comfort. It speaks directly to the Heart Chakra, assisting you in your work of dissolving emotional wounds, fears and resentments, and circulates a Divine loving energy throughout the entire aura. Reawakening the heart to its own innate love, it provides a deep sense of personal fulfillment and contentment, allowing one the capacity to truly give and receive love from others.
Size: Medium (approx 45mm)
Great for beginners and experienced users.
Comes professionally package with stand and use and care pamphlet. Sent to you from Hawaii fully charged up within this powerful vortex.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or ailments. Use internally at your own discretion.
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No refunds will be offered or returns accepted on Yoni Eggs so please choose wisely.